Poetry Pauses: Teaching With Poems to Elevate Student Writing in All Genres
Text Structures and Fables: Teaching Students to Write About What They Read, Grades 3-12
Copyright and Course Reserves: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Academic Libraries
What Primary Sources Teach: Lessons for Every Classroom
How Tutoring Works: Six Steps to Grow Motivation and Accelerate Student Learning
Kids' Books and Makerspace Projects: Perfect Pairings
Mindful School Libraries: Creating and Sustaining Nurturing Spaces and Programs
Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic Integrity
Schoolwide Collaboration for Transformative Social Emotional Learning
Librarian's Guide to Games and Gamers: From Collection Development to Advisory Services
Student-Centered Learning by Design
Podcasting with Youth: A Quick Guide for Librarians and Educators
Maximizing the Impact of Comics in Your Library: Graphic Novels, Manga, and More
Libraries Supporting Online Learning: Digital Literacy, Open Access, and Local Connectivity
Novels in Verse for Teens: A Guidebook with Activities for Teachers and Librarians
Libraries Publish: How to Start a Magazine, Small Press, Blog, and More
Tech-Savvy Reading Promotion: A Toolbox for Librarians and Other Educators