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Welcome to The Gale Support page for New South Wales Public Libraries

The Gale Hub Support page for New South Wales Public Libraries is designed to help you get the most out of your Gale subscriptions by providing support materials for your Gale databases

Materials including training documents, technical support and marketing materials

New South Wales Public Libraries Newsletters

A quarterly newsletter is published for New South Wales Public Libraries, and is emailed to customers.
  It is designed to keep libraries up-to-date with product updates, training webinars, technical support webinars, and marketing materials.

The latest newsletter is the 
October 2024 Newsletter

If you currently don't received the newsletter and would like to; please email and we will add you details to our list
[email protected]

Contact Us


Adeline Regnault
Account Manager
+61 439 090 496
[email protected]


Darren Brain
Marketing Manager
+61 419 881 973
[email protected]

Technical Support

Lynette and Alison
Technical Support Executives
 0417 618 515 or 0434 074 471 
[email protected] 


Damian Almeida
Academic Engagement Manager
+64 434 077 553
[email protected]