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Welcome to Technical Support page for New South Wales Public Libraries


Lynette Lewis and Alison Foster are your Technical Support Executives. We are committed to help you get the best use from your databases.  This includes helping you with set up and accessibility of your products through your website and your LMS.

We're your first point of contact with anything technical.

Please contact us via email at [email protected] 
or via  phone number  0417 618 515 or 0434 074 471 


Technical "how to" guides to support New South Wales public libraries

  • Using Gale's Cross-search Platforms

    Using Gale's Cross-Search Platforms

    (March 2024, 29 minutes)

    There are different ways to access your Gale Resources; whether it be via a link to each individual  product, or via a more general link to the e Gale Product Platform when all products can be accessed via one link, or a cross searchable platform such as Powersearch. 

    Gale Product Menu

    • Available to all customers
    • Displays all products you have purchased or subscribed to and groups them into specific collections
    • Limited cross-searchability within specific collections of products
    • Provides access to other Gale cross-searchable platforms if appropriate

    Gale Power Search Platform

    • Allows you to cross search the In Context databases, the Gale OneFile databases and Gale eBooks

    Gale Literature

    • Allows you to cross-search Gale literature databases and Gale eBooks  (except Books and Authors)

    Gale Primary Sources

    • Allows cross-searching of Gale primary source archives including historical newspaper archives

    Gale Research Complete

    • Cross-searches all products in the Gale Research Complete subscription except Gale OneFile: ANZ


  • Navigating the Gale Support Page

    The Gale Support Page

    (July 2022, 32 minutes)

    The Gale Support Page is a freely accessible page to help get the most from your investment with no-cost support. Hundreds of choices include everything from direct URLs, MARC records, database icons, promotional and instructional materials and technical support documents.

    Access via the following link:
    Enter your location ID to customise the page to your Institution

    Please email  [email protected] for your Location ID


  • Generate Statistics for your Gale Products

    Generating statistics for your Gale products

    (June 2024, 32 minutes)

    Statistics are very important as they help justify your ROI and help understand  what products are being used and how they are being used.

    We have various report options you can use to gather statistics 
    An overview of what reports can be access can be found here

    Types of Reports

    Gale standard reports - Gale reports can be accessed through the Gale Usage Reports portal available through Gale Admin and the Gale Usage Dashboard.

    COUNTER 4 and COUNTER 5 compliant reports - These can be accessed through the Gale Usage Reports Portal available through Gale Admin.  You can also schedule reports to be automatically emailed monthly to selected email addresses for the Gale Admin Reports Portal

    Both reports portals can be access via The Gale Support Page

    A useful glossary of the types of reports that can be run and what they count can be accessed from the following page

    Additional ways to access reports for Gale Products

    SUSHI (Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative) Reports -Allows the automated retrieval of the COUNTER usage reports into local systems.  SUSHI COUNTER 4 and SUSHI COUNTER 5 reports are available for Gale products

    JUSP  (Journal Usage Statistics Portal) Reports -JUSP provides a single gateway for them to access their usage statistics from participating publishers.  Participating libraries need to contact CAVAL JUSP service for access.

    Gale Admin Reports portal
    Please email [email protected] for your Username and password

    Use this portal if you need to run COUNTER compliant reports use this website, or if you would like to schedule recurring reports to be emailed to you.  This portal is updated daily.

    Gale Usage Dashboard
    Same username and password as the Gale Admin Reports Portal.  Please email  [email protected]  for your Username and password

    You  can also get your statistics from the Gale Usage Dashboad which is is web based and provides quick, visual access to your product usage. This website also gives you comparison data from one year to another and the most used search terms. It provides graphs as well a speadsheet outlining usage. 

  • MARC Records

    MARC Records

    (May 2024, 28 minutes)

    The Gale Support Page

    The Gale Support Page is a freely accessible page to help get the most from your investment with no-cost support. Hundreds of choices include everything from direct URLs, MARC records, database icons, promotional and instructional materials, and technical support documents.

    Access via the following link:
    Enter your location ID to customize the page to your Institution.  This also customizes the MARC records to your Institution.

    Please email [email protected] for your Location ID

    Why add MARC records to your catalogue?

    MARC records are important because they enable another access point to aid discoverability of your Gale resources.
    They provide a seamless access point from a search of the catalogue to the direct page of the database – either via a topic search of a search of a journal title

    What MARC records can you get from The Gale Support Page

    In Context – MARC records to topics portals
    Gale Health and Wellness - MARC records to topics portals
    Gale eBooks – MARC records to the individual eBook titles
    Gale Literature
                Literature Resource Centre
                Gale In Context: Literature
    Gale Primary Source Archives
              National Geographic Virtual Library
              National Geographic Kids
              Smithsonian and Air and Space Magazine
               Individual Historical Newspaper Archives

    The Gale Admin Page

    Gale Admin  - the Gale OneFile series of databases – MARC to periodical titles.  These MARC records can be set up to be delivered via email each month.



  • Accessibility Tools in Gale Databases

    Accessibility features in Gale databases

    (April 2024, 33 minutes)

    Gale’s platforms aim to support users with visual, hearing, mobility or cognitive impairments, and any users accessing via keyboard-only inputs or assistive technologies.

    Gale has introduced experience and design enhancements to assist accessibility across its portfolio of products on the main Gale platform including Gale OneFile, Gale In Context, and  Gale Literature

    The enhancements help to unify the platform experience.  It’s important to have a unified user experience across all platforms. Over the past few years our agile team has worked hard to unify our platforms so your experience and functionality of a platform such as Academic Onefile will be similar to that of an In Context database product, or a Gale eBook.

    Our accessibility tools help those, who may otherwise; not feel comfortable using online products.  These features include:

    • Mobile responsivness of platforms
    • a unified platform experience
    • Reading and lexile levels of each article
    • Translation tools at both platform level and document level
    • Font sizes
    • Document customisation to assist dyslexic users
    • Text-to-speech tools in inElish and other translated languages
    • Visual search tools
    • Predictive search (search assist) to see recommended search terms 

    • Transcripts and closed captions of video and audio content.

    • Access alt text for images: where provided by the publishers

    Gale's Electronic Accessibility Policy is available on the Gale Support Page



  • Effective search techniques for searching Gale databases and archives

    Effective searching techiques using Gale databases and archives

    (October 2022, 34 minutes)

    A search engine, like Google, uses computer algorithms to search the Internet and find websites that match the keywords you enter.
    Gale databases and archives have highly organized information due to the metadata in the back end of the product that allows you to find information with high relevance to search terms.  Robust metadata tools allow you to narrow efficiently by dozens of categories. 

    Create a search strategy
    First create a general search strategy. This is very general because your search strategy is dependent on how much time you have. It is a very different situation if you are on a refence desk with 5 minutes to help a patron with a reference question, to a search strategy if you are undertaking in-depth research.

    Think about what is being asked - What are you researching? What question(s) are you trying to answer?

    Identify key concepts and subject terms -
    What are the key areas of your research topic or question Think in broad terms.  Brainstorm synonyms and related subject terms These will be the keywords used when you search within the databases.

    Also take into account in archive products the era and language used when the article was written.

    Break your topic into concepts (subjects). These concepts will form the building blocks of your search strategy.

    Remember Databases don't like sentences

    • Long phrases or sentences will confuse the database and lead to disappointing  results. 
    • Pick out the words that indicate the main points of your topic. 

    Select relevant databases and resources.  - This is all about knowing your resources
    Do you need a subject specific database coving a particular area of time in history.

    Databases are different because they are written in present day language using present day metadata and subject headings. 
    Archives are written in a certain time in history using the language of that era

    Combine search terms – know how your gale databases and archives work.

    Do you need to use Boolean operators to refine your search or can this be done through a simple search?
    How does the simple search and advanced search options operate in your databases and archives?
    Do you have visual tools help refine your search?

    Execute and refine your search; once again know how to refine your search using the option available to you through your databases and archives

    Review and refine search as required

     Do your information sources seem relevant? You may be required to do more research within different databases, using different search terms.

    Analysing your search results - Are you getting too many results?

    Use Boolean operators – AND & NOT – Both Boolean operators limit search results, so you get a smaller, more specific results list by searching with keywords that are connected with AND or NOT.

    Are there subject terms in your previous results that may help you refine your search?

    Analyzing related subject terms will help you refine your search by giving you different keywords to use.

    Use the Subject Terms or Thesaurus features in the databases to find related search terms. Different related keywords may help you limit your results.

    Are you not getting enough information?

    Use the Boolean operator – OR – it expands search results by combining similar terms – Get more results by connecting keywords with OR.

    Are there subject terms in your previous results that may help you refine your search?

    Analyzing related subject terms will help you refine your search by giving you different keywords to use. If you are not finding enough information, different keywords may yield more results.

    Use the Subject Terms or Thesaurus features in the databases to find related search terms. Different related keywords may help you increase your results

    What are the search options on your Gale products

    The Homepage search or Basic search

    The first search that you come to on the Gale platforms allows you to perform a broad search across the Entire Document – full-text, Document Title, Subject, and expands to synonyms of your search term. Once you have performed your search; there are limiters to help narrow your results.

    Advanced Search
    Allows you to customize your search and target relevant results:
    It includes

    • Keyword: Select this field to search “hot spots” of articles, including citations, subject headings, abstracts, and the beginning of each article. This is a good general option to start your search.
    • Subject: Choose this field to increase specificity by using document tags to find results fully focused on your topic. Try subject if your basic search produces too many results.
    • Publication Title: Use this field to find all articles or documents from a particular publication. It’s useful for browsing recent issues of sources like Nature.
    • Entire Document: Pick this field to search within the entire text of documents. This option performs a broad search for any mention of your terms, and can be used to find articles that use very precise phrases or touch on specific concepts.
    • Search Operators in Advanced search (AND, OR, NOT, NEAR)
      Use these drop-downs to connect your search terms.
      These options are also available as Filter Your Results options after you execute a search.

    Subject Guide Search

    The subject guide search offers the ability to narrow a single topic by subdivisions, and to view narrower and broader related topics.

    Visual Search Tools - Topic Finder
    The Topic Finder is a visual tool that takes the titles, subjects, and approximately the first 100 words from a subset of your top results and feeds them into an algorithm
    This enables you to visually see the connections between topics and create new research paths.
    The Topic Finder is good to use if you’re having trouble coming up with a research topic, when you have an idea for a topic and want to investigate related topics, or when you want to narrow your search results



  • Customizing your Gale eBook collection

    Customizing your eBook Collection

    (February 2024, 28 minutes)

    The Gale eBook platform  includes a customisation portal that allows library administrators to tailor the Gale eBook platform homepage, grouping and highlighting titles based on the Institution’s needs.
    Existing collections can be re-arranged and new collections can be added.

    To access our new customization features, Librarians will be able to log into the Gale eBook platform using their Gale Admin credentials and customize their collection to suit the Institution’s needs.

    Please contact [email protected] if you don’t know your Gale Admin login.

    Select titles that appear on the homepage. 
    Admin users have the ability to re-order eBooks within each Collection. So, the most relevant titles are displayed first.

    Change the order of the subjects on the homepage. 
    Want “Business” to proceed “Art”? Done! It’s as easy as dragging and dropping Collections into your preferred order.

    Add custom collections. 
    Create categories or groupings of titles to support your users’ needs You might want to add a collection of climate change topcs as well as science topics

    Add titles to new custom collections.
    Once you create a new Collection, you’re only a couple clicks away from adding additional titles.

    Search within custom collections. 
    Previously users could only search within the Gale default collections.

    Enable/disable collections.
    Disabling a collection will hide it from the homepage but it will not remove the titles from the account. This will help to accommodate time-sensitive collections  

    Hide default Gale collections. 
    If desired, hide default Gale collections to showcase only the collections desired. Note, however, that hiding a collection does not remove the ebooks from your account 

    Custom Gale eBook collections collections  can be linked anywhere, including library websites, course pages, and  LibGuides.

  • Making your Gale Resources more discoverable

    Making your Gale resources more discoverable

    (March 2024, 30 minutes)

    You can have great online resources, but if your public can’t find them, or don’t know you have them, then they are of little value. 

    You invest a lot of money to provide free resources and access for your patrons. That’s what the public library is all about. But unlike books, online resources are not visible on a bookshelf for the public to browse.  You need to invest time and thought into making them discoverable. 

    This Tech Talk looks at ideas that may help to make your suite of Gale database more discoverable to your public. 

    There are right of wrong answers – these are suggestions that may of not be useful to your library.  Think of them as a series of questions to ask yourself as a checklist to ensure your online databases are discoverable.

    Inside the Library

    Put yourself in the shoes of a library patron.  Walk into the library and sit down at a public computer.

    • What do they see? 
    • Is it the Library catalogue or is it the library website?

    This page is the starting point for all the questions about accessing online resources in the library

    • Can you easily find links to your online resources?
    • Are they easy to identify? 
    • Can a library patron identify what they are linking to?
    • Do your patrons know what the name you have chosen to link to your online databases means? 

    Do you have physical marketing materials to help advertise or show people how the use your products? 
    This marketing may be posters or bookmarks beside the library computers.

    Marc Records

    Do you have MARC records in your catalogue so if people search the catalogue, they will be able to link directly to  the database or topics pages of the database from the catalogue

    Now take a look at your staff computers – especially the reference desk computer

    • Do your staff know what databases you have?
    • Are your online databases clearly displayed and linked on your reference desk computer.
    • Do your staff know how to access your databases from the staff computers?
    • Are they confident using your databases to find information?
    • Can we provide additional training for you?

    Accessing the library from home

    It is important that people can navigate around without asking in the library.  The user must rely on the discoverability of your website/library catalogue and ability to find what they need.

    Is the library Catalogue integrated into your website or do you have 2 separate sites

    Questions to access yourself about remote access

    • How do your library patrons access the library from home?
    • Do patrons access the library via the Library website or via the library catalogue, or both?
    • Do you have materials to help patrons with online access?
    • Is the remote access to your databases working?

    The Library Website
    People need to be able to find stuff on your website form home without help.  If they can’t find it, they won’t use your website.

    Are things discoverable on your website?
    Is everything in a logical place so people visiting are comfortable navigating around?

    How many clicks does it take to access your products?

    How far do your have to scroll down the page to find resources?

    What are the products listed under.  Do your users understand what the name you have used to access your databases means?

    Do you have consistent naming conventions for your Gale products?

    Do you have an A-Z listing or do you have your products listed in subject specific areas?

    Do you have database icons or widgets to help display products?

    Websites to help you promote your Gale Databases

    The Gale Support Hub for NSW Public Libraries

    Marketing materials
    Technical Support documents and webinars
    Training webinars

    The Gale Support Page

    The Gale support page can provide materials to assist you in setting up you gale databases.

    database icons
    MARC records
    How to guides
    Short Descriptions of products to add to your website



  • Digital marketing materials available on the Gale Support website

    Digital marketing materials available on the Gale Support website

    (September 2023, 27 minutes)

    Social media plays a huge role in the ability to reach a wide audience in this digital day and age.  Social media channels allow Libraries to advertise events and raise awareness of the wide range of information and services they offer. It is a is a simple web 2.0 platform which allows sharing and two way communication.
    Social media also allow libraries, that may otherwise be challenged by webpage restrictions and controls (ie ownership) to post events and library services more easily than via a more conventional website

    The Gale Support Page

    The Gale Support Page is a freely accessible page to help get the most from your investment with no-cost support.

    The Marketing materials  section of the Gale Support Page contains ready-to-use and customizable materials to help promote usage of your Gale resources.  Materials include images to use on digital signage and social media platforms

    Within the Marketing section of the Gale Support site, you can find social media images to use for Facebook, WeChat, Instagram, Twitter (now called X), and LinkedIn platforms.

    We also have images suitable for Digital Displays

    This section is divided by

    • Browse by product
    • Browse by type
    • Special themes


  • Integrating Gale Resources into your Library’s Libguides

    Integrating Gale Resources into your Library’s Libguides

    (November 2023,  33 minutes)

    LibGuides are a content management and information sharing system used to "curate knowledge and share information by creating online guides on any topic, subject, courses…" (Springshare 10 May 2021).

    Libguides provide the following types of guides:

    A-Z Database List
    The LibGuides A-Z Database List provides a central repository to list your library’s research databases and archives

    Subject Guides
    The Libguide Subject Guide: provides guides that are focused on a specific subject area

    Vendor Guides
    Libguides can be narrowed to specific vendors

    What Gale can offer to help set up your Libguides

    The following Gale resources are useful to help set up your Gale resources on Libguides

    The Gale Support Page
    Configure this page to your Institutions Location ID in order to download the Libguides files relevant to the Gale products your Institution has access to

    The Gale Libguides Page
    Provides examples of what can be included in a Libguides page
    Provides instruction for uploading files
    It does not configure the files to you Institutions Location ID

    Gale Video Hub
    Provides short videos that can be added to your Libguides page


  • Support Tools: Student Research Toolkit and Gale Learning Centres

    Support Tools: Student Research Toolkit and Gale Learning Centres

    (October 2024, 33 minutes)

    This Tech talk looks at the teaching and learning support we can provide to help students, teachers/instructors and librarians use Gale resources when undertaking a research project.  

    Gale as an educational publisher saw the need to provide teaching and learning support that leads to learner development and confidence.
    What does this mean? – basically to provide an effective scaffolding or support tools to help learners to construct knowledge and perform tasks 
    These support tools also help build confidence to undertake a research task. 
    Learning support tools are valuable whether it be at a school level, teaching students to research a topic and complete a project, A librarian in a public library helping with a homework help project, Or a university student undertaking a research task, 

    Support Tools available in the In Context Suite of Products
    The In Context Suite of products are specifically designed for school age students and lower further educationThese support tools, Called Educators Resources are divided into three sections
    Teacher Tools
    Librarian Tools 
    Research Toolkit for Students

    The Research Toolkit for students walks through the steps in developing and writing a research essay, judging information and selecting a topic to drawing a conclusion and citing resources

    Support Tools available on the Gale Primary Source Archives
    These are called Gale Learning Centres
    Learning Centers are instructional resource centers that walk students through the primary source research process, helping them to orient themselves within historical databases, avoid common stumbling blocks, ask the right questions, and use them effectively in their research. 
    The Learning Centers are organized in four key workflow steps based on the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and Society of American Archivists (SAA) Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy learning objectives: 
    Each workflow section features detailed instructional content 
    include key topics, sample searches, case studies, and contextual materials.


Contact Us


Adeline Regnault
Account Manager
+61 439 090 496
[email protected]


Darren Brain
Marketing Manager
+61 419 881 973
[email protected]

Technical Support

Lynette and Alison
Technical Support Executives
 0417 618 515 or 0434 074 471 
[email protected] 


Damian Almeida
Academic Engagement Manager
+64 434 077 553
[email protected]