命名实体识别 Named Entity Recognition
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Food and Civility 1650-1800 《1650-1800年的饮食与文明》
The Books He Carried: A Study of Lindsley Foote Hall's Reading Habits on His Travels | Julianne Peeling(美国华盛顿大学)
Of Christ and Capital: The 'Sunday Question' in the 1893 Columbian Exposition | Marie Peeples, Ian Reinl, Elise Tomasian, Danielle Worthy(美国华盛顿大学)
Welcome to the Digital Serpent Lab | Sid, Truc, Karen, Adelina & Courtney(美国华盛顿大学)
A Digital Historiography of treaties and disputes between the coast Salish tribes and U.S. government | Marie Christine O'Connell(美国华盛顿大学)
Influencing Mary MacLane: A Digital Literary Analysis | Faith Forrest(加州大学洛杉矶分校)
From Babble to Burden: Unravelling Linguistic Threads in Historical Infanticide Trials (1750-1900) | Lilian Jaber(利兹大学)
Public Sentiment about Women's Rights Movements | Tianjia Dong, Ruoxi Feng, and Daniel Johnson
Vice and Body: A DH Analysis of the Contagious Diseases Act | Catherine Nichols, Katrina Partlow, and Megan VanGorder