情感分析 Sentiment Analysis
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The Rise of Electricity in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries 《19世纪末及20世纪初电的出现》
Tracking Archaeology in The Illustrated London News 《在 <伦敦新闻画报> 中追溯考古学》
Roberto Calvi's trial: Suicide or Murder? | Aryan Shah, Livia Ngo, Kody Chantavong and Megan Skrobut (University of Washington)
From Babble to Burden: Unravelling Linguistic Threads in Historical Infanticide Trials (1750-1900) | Lilian Jaber(利兹大学)
Public Sentiment about Women's Rights Movements | Tianjia Dong, Ruoxi Feng, and Daniel Johnson
Vice and Body: A DH Analysis of the Contagious Diseases Act | Catherine Nichols, Katrina Partlow, and Megan VanGorder