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Increase your knowledge of the topic of colonialism, which is defined as the control by one nation over a dependent area or people. Colonialism is often used synonymously with the term imperialism, although there are key differences between the two. While both refer to political or economic control by one nation over an “other,” colonialism involves the settlement of the colonizing power’s people in a new territory for the purpose of administration and exploitation of the territory’s natural resources and people, while imperialism can involve more indirect methods of domination. In that sense, colonialism is one of many expressions of imperialism.

Colonialism has been a feature of civilization since ancient times, when the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Phoenicians built enormous empires through conquest and subsequent settlement of their people in newly conquered territories. Other empires followed suit, including the Islamic caliphates of the Middle Ages, which spread as a result of military victory, followed by the establishment of their culture and religion as colonizing influences.

While colonialism isn’t specific to one people, group, or region, the concept is most closely associated with Western colonialism, beginning with the “Age of Discovery” in the fifteenth century. During that time period, advancements in navigation allowed European explorers, traders, and soldiers to travel farther and faster than they ever had before. Portugal led the way by establishing its first colonies in North Africa, followed by Spain, which established a vast empire in the Americas. The competition between those two nations soon expanded to include England, France, Germany, and the Netherlands, who fought for hegemony in Africa, the Americas, and Asia. Early colonial efforts were often masked as attempts to “civilize” indigenous peoples through conversion to Christianity.


Toward the end of the eighteenth century and beginning of the nineteenth century, most of the colonial holdings in the Western Hemisphere, including the United States, Haiti, and the countries of Latin America, gained their independence. As the United States strengthened its position internationally, it established the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 to deter further European interference in the Western Hemisphere. European nations focused more specifically on colonizing efforts in Asia and Africa during the nineteenth century as a result.

The Industrial Revolution that had begun in the eighteenth century resulted in an increased need for raw materials for European factories as well as new markets for European goods in the nineteenth century. Great Britain’s position of economic and naval dominance allowed it to expand its empire to become the largest in the world, which included an important colony in India (known as the British Raj) administered by the British East India Company and the penal colony of Australia. France was also active in Asia, with a focus on Indochina.

While European powers previously had exerted more indirect control over Africa, this policy changed in the latter half of the nineteenth century, as they raced to control and colonize the continent in a competition known as the “Scramble for Africa.” The Berlin Conference of 1884–1885 attempted to sort out competing European interests in Africa; by 1914, only two African nations were outside European control: Ethiopia and Liberia.

The two world wars of the twentieth century (World War I, from 1914 to 1918, and World War II, from 1939 to 1945) significantly weakened Europe’s control of its colonial holdings. As a result, nationalist demonstrations in Asia and Africa produced successful independence movements throughout those regions. The most dramatic wave of decolonization was concentrated in the period from 1918 to the 1960s, when more than 50 countries and over 800 million people gained independence from European rule. For Asians and Africans, decolonization’s roots lay with the development of new local elites trained in modern disciplines—law, medicine, civil service—and their establishment of national-level political and, later, military organizations.

But the legacy of colonialism continued to negatively affect these regions. Particularly in Africa, colonies were established without regard to the traditional homelands of the continent’s various tribes, resulting in ethnic-based warfare and difficulty in establishing stable governments postindependence. The tendency of Western nations to continue to exert influence over their former colonies led to the coining of the term “neocolonialism” to describe the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence their former dependencies.

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  • African American Religions, 1500–2000: Colonialism, Democracy, and Freedom, 1st Edition

    African American Religions, 1500–2000: Colonialism, Democracy, and Freedom, 1st Edition

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