Support Small Businesses in a Big Way
In the U.S., there are 28.8 million small businesses, accounting for 54 percent of all sales reports the Small Business Administration. Across the country, public libraries are supporting entrepreneurship as a core mission, and are increasingly serving as vital members of their economic development ecosystem.
For entrepreneurs and small business owners, the complex and often stop-and-start process of business planning just became more efficient with the newly enhanced Gale Business: Plan Builder. The popular trio of Gale DemographicsNow, Gale Business: Entrepreneurship, and Gale LegalForms is now integrated into this resource for libraries subscribing to any of the products, putting content into the customer’s business planning workflow.
How does it work?
As users move through the five areas of Gale Business: Plan Builder—Entrepreneur Profile, Business Ideation, Break-Even Analysis, Business Plans, and Financial Projections—they will encounter up to 400 highly-curated links to “Helpful Resources” that will inform and assist them in completing business planning activities.
For example, in the “Customer Segment” panel on the “Lean Canvas” page, users can select a link under the “Helpful Resources” menu titled “Learn About Your Potential Customers” and run a demographics or consumer-spending report in Gale DemographicsNow. For ease of use, there is also a link to a DemographicsNow tutorial video for that specific task.
See the integration in action.

Gale Business: Entrepreneurship A comprehensive database covering all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, taxes. Includes over 1000 business plans, and more.
Gale DemographicsNow Connects users with tools and a wealth of highly detailed demographic data that spans the entire United States, making it ideal for gaining consumer and market insights for opening or growing a business.
Gale LegalForms Provides access to thousands of authentic, state-specific legal forms relevant to starting or managing a new business while offering the most robust collection of legal information available.
Libraries that do not currently subscribe to Gale Business: Entrepreneurship, Gale DemographicsNow, or Gale LegalForms will continue to be able to access a limited number of static articles from Gale Business: Entrepreneurship in the "Resources" section of each planning stage.