Trends in the declining supply of fossil fuels, growing demand for electricity, and the controversies over nuclear power and the impacts of energy use on the environment are making the understanding of energy an increasingly vital topic. This set provides an important multidisciplinary overview of the many related topics in language that will be accessible to a wide range of users. Articles explore everything from Albert Einstein, seismic energy, and acid rain, to lasers and building design. The
Encyclopedia supports the curriculum in earth science, chemistry and life sciences, social studies, political science and more.
This title is now available in eBook format through Gale Virtual Reference Library.Gale Virtual Reference Library is taking eBooks to the next level by delivering a wealth of reference content in a database format. This valuable new product allows libraries of any size - based on user\'s needs and usage patterns - to develop collections at their own pace and within their own budget.
This new reference option also offers:
- 24/7 remote access
- Circulation of reference content
- Cross searching
- Expanded searching for difficult-to-find material
- No need for special hardware or an online reader
For a guided tour of Gale Virtual Reference Library and a list of titles please visit
While Gale strives to replicate print content, some content may not be available due to rights restrictions.Call your Sales Rep for details.