Provides information about antagonism and reconciliation in all contexts of public and personal life. Covers topics such as arms control, peace movements, child abuse, folklore, terrorism and political assassinations.
Front Cover.
Half Title Page.
Editorial Board.
Title Page.
Copyright Page.
Contents by Subject Area.
Guide to the Encyclopedia.
Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Foreword by Johan Galtung.
1: Aged Population, Violence and Nonviolence Toward.
2: Aggression and Altruism.
3: Aggression, Psychology of.
4: Alliance Systems.
5: Animal Behavioral Studies, Non-Primates.
6: Animal Behavioral Studies, Primates.
7: Animals, Violence Toward.
8: Anthropology of Violence and Conflict, Overview.
9: Arms Control.
10: Arms Control and Disarmament Treaties.
11: Arms Production, Economics of.
12: Arms Trade, Economics of.
13: Assassinations, Political.
14: Balance of Power Relationships.
15: Behavioral Psychology of Killing.
16: Biochemical Factors in Aggression and Violence.
17: Chemical and Biological Warfare.
18: Child Abuse.
19: Childrearing, Violent and Nonviolent.
20: Children, Impact of Television on.
21: Civil Liberties and Security.
22: Civil Society.
23: Civil Wars.
24: Clan and Tribal Conflict.
25: Class Conflict in Capitalist Society.
26: Climate Change: Cooperation and Human Security.
27: Cold War.
28: Collective Emotions in Warfare.
29: Collective Security.
30: Colonialism and Imperialism.
31: Combat.
32: Combatting Bioterrorism.
33: Communication Studies, Overview.
34: Conflict Management and Resolution.
35: Conflict Theory.
36: Conflict Transformation.
37: Conformity and Obedience.
38: Conscientious Objection, Ethics of.
39: Cooperation, Competition, and Conflict.
40: Correlates of War.
41: Crime and Drug Control Policies in the United States and Japan.
42: Crime and Punishment, Changing Attitudes Toward.