This book focuses on the issues of the Progressive Era through contemporary accounts of the people involved. A resource for students interested in the controversial and tumultuous changes America underwent during the Industrial Age and up to the start of World War I.
Front Cover.
Half Title Page.
Recent Titles in Debating Historical Issues in the Media of the Time.
Title Page.
Copyright Page.
Other Frontmatter.
Series Foreword.
Chronology of Events.
1: Introduction: The Progressive Era and Newspapers.
2: The Census of 1890 Measures American Life and Defines Some of Its Problems.
3: The Death of Sitting Bull and the Battle of Wounded Knee, December 1890.
4: Nativist Fears Limit Chinese Immigration, May 1892.
5: The Homestead Strike Pits Labor against Management, 1892.
6: Lynch Law Terrorizes Blacks in the South.
7: Coxey’s Army Marches on Washington, 1894.
8: The Sinking of the Maine, February 15, 1898.
9: The Treaty of Paris Launches America as an Imperialist Power, December 10, 1898.
10: The Turn of the Century Brings Hopes and Fears.
11: President William McKinley Is Assassinated, September 6, 1901.
12: America Backs the Panamanian Revolution, November 1903.
13: The Socialist Party Challenges the Status Quo, 1904.
14: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, March 25, 1911.
15: The Titanic Disaster, April 14, 1912.
16: Women Demand the Right to Vote, 1911–1912.
17: Congress Adopts the Federal Income Tax, February 1913.
18: The Prohibition Movement Gains in the States and Congress, 1900–1913.
19: Women March for Suffrage in Washington, March 1913.
20: The Seventeenth Amendment Reforms the Senate, May 1913.
21: The Ludlow Mine Massacre, April 1914.
Newspapers Cited—Publication Information, Circulation Figures and Political Affiliations.