Reference guide providing engineers with a long-required, concise resource for reliable information on the continually evolving field of telecommunications. Originally published in print format in 2002.
Half Title Page.
Editorial Board.
Title Page.
Copyright Page.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications.
1: Acoustic Echo Cancellation.
2: Acoustic Modems for Underwater Communication.
3: Acoustic Telemetry.
4: Acoustic Transducers.
5: Acoustic (Underwater) Communications.
6: Active Antennas.
7: Adaptive Antenna Arrays.
8: Adaptive Equalizers.
9: Adaptive Receivers for Spread-Spectrum Systems.
10: Admission Control in Wired Networks.
11: Admission Control in Wireless Networks.
12: ALOHA Protocols.
13: Amplitude Modulation.
14: Antenna Arrays.
15: Antenna Modeling Techniques.
16: Antennas.
17: Antennas for Mobile Communications.
18: ATM Switching.
19: Atmospheric Radiowave Propagation.
20: Authentication Codes.
21: Automatic Repeat Request.
22: Bandwidth Reduction Techniques for Video Services.
23: BCH Codes-Binary.
24: BCH Codes-Nonbinary and Reed-Solomon.
25: BISDN (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network).