Each volume of Poetry for Students provides analysis of approximately 15-16 poems that teachers and librarians have identified as the most frequently studied in literature courses. Some of the poems covered in this volume include:
"Birches" by Robert Frost
"Blood Oranges" by Lisel Mueller
"For the White Poets Who Would be Indians" by Wendy Rose
"I Felt a Funeral in My Brain" by Emily Dickinson
"Leda and the Swan" by William Butler Yeats
And more
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An African Elegy - Robert Duncan.
Birches - Robert (Lee) Frost.
Blood Oranges - Lisel Mueller.
Cavalry Crossing a Ford - Walt(er) Whitman.
The Conquerors - Phyllis McGinley.
Darwin in 1881 - Gjertrud Schnackenberg.
Daylights - Rosanna Warren.
For the White Poets Who Would Be Indians - Wendy Rose.
I Felt a Funeral in My Brain - Emily (Elizabeth) Dickinson.
I was sitting at mcsorleys - E(dward) E(stlin) Cummings.
The Idea of Order at Key West - Wallace Stevens.
Leda and the Swan - William Butler Yeats.
The Song of the Smoke - W(illiam) E(dward) B(urghadt) Du Bois.
To His Excellency, General Washington - Phillis Wheatley.
To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time - Robert Herrick.