In this book, Dr. Guidere provides an in-depth look at Islamic Fundamentalism through a detailed chronology, an introductory essay, an Arabic-to-English glossary, and an extensive bibliography.
Front Cover.
Half Title page.
Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements.
Title page.
Copyright page.
Editor's Foreword.
Reader's Notes.
Acronyms and Abbreviations.
1: ‘Abdu, Muhammad.
2: Abdul-Jalil, Mustafa.
3: Abdul Rahman, Sheikh Omar.
4: Abdullah Azzam Martyr Battalion/Katibat Al-Sha-Hid.
5: Abu Ghudda, ‘Abd Al-Fattah.
6: Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigade.
7: Abu Nidal Organization.
8: Abu Qurah, ‘Abd Al-Latif.
9: Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG).
10: Abu Zayd, Hamid Nasr.
11: Aden-Abyan Islamic Army.
12: Adhaalath Party/Justice Party.
13: Al-Adl Wal Ihsane.
14: Al-Afghan Al-‘Arab/Afghan Arabs.
15: Al-Afghani, Jamal Al-Din.
16: Afghanistan.
17: Al-Ahbash/Jam'iyyat Al-Mashari’ Al-Khairiyya Al-Islamiyya/Association of Islamic Philanthropic Projects.
18: Ahl As-Sunna Wal-Jammah (Aswj)/Adherents of the Sunna and the Community.
19: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community/Jamaat Ahmadiyya.
22: Algerian Civil Concord/Civil Harmony Act.
23: All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC).
24: Allah/God.
25: Allegiance.
26: Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal (Ajd/Mr).
27: Amal.
28: Amir.
29: Ammari, Saifi.
30: Al-Andalus.
31: Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)/Movement of the Malaysian Youth.
32: Ansar Al-Islam/Supporters of Islam.
33: Apostasy/Ridda.
34: Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade.
35: Arab Liberation Front (ALF)/Jabhat Al-Tahrir Al‘Arabiyah.
36: Arab Spring.
37: Armed Islamic Group (AIG)/Groupe Islamique Armé (GIA)/Armed Islamic Group of Algeria/Al-Jama'a Alislamiyya Al-Musallah.
38: Art.
39: Al-Asalah Islamic Society.
40: Asbat Al-Ansar/The League of Followers.
41: Al-Asha'riyya/The Traditionalists.
42: Assassin/Hashashin/Assassination.
43: Association of Muslim Lawyers (AML).
44: Association of Muslim Scholars/Jam'iyyat Al-‘Ulama’ Al-Muslimin.