Be much better than good. Anybody can be good - in fact most people are, your business wont work or you wont hold onto a job for long if you arent any good at what you do - but if you want more than survival, then you have to be more than good. There is loads of good around today, but good is the new nice - its average. Can you afford to just be good - just the same as everyone else? No business or individual can afford that. To be successful you have to stand out. How? Be Fantastic! To be fantastic, you have to focus on what I call the other 50% - the 50% of what you do that makes the difference between good and fantastic. Communication, attitude, confidence, motivation, self-management etc. Its this other stuff that enables you to do the things you have to do in your job or life and do them well. It doesnt matter what you do, be it a bin man or a surgeon, the 50% rule applies. Studying fantastic people - successful people in all walks of life - over a 25 year period, it is clear to me that they share common characteristics that can apply for anyone. It doesnt matter what it is that you want to be fantastic at - 50% of it will be about these common factors; the 7 characteristics of fantastic people: 1)\xa0Passionate2)\xa0Creative3)\xa0Delighting people4)\xa0Performers5)\xa0Alive Inside6)\xa0Always Learning7)\xa0Having Fun This book is about understanding how those seven characteristics work and how you can use them yourself in all areas of your life.