Over the past 30 years, supply chain management processes have shifted from a supply-driven to a demand-driven focus. From supply chains to the management of extended value networks composed of multiple companies connected through product, information, and cash management systems. They are now becoming market-driven to synchronize demand and supply better. This book analyzes this evolution, the drivers, the success factors, the pitfalls and the value proposition at each stage. It will also share insights on how to successfully complete horizontal and vertical integration of tactical operations to deliver against this new model. Why does it matter? With each stage of the evolution of the model, the value for the operation increases.\xa0Market-driven value networks is a more balanced approach that is market and suppler based with emphasis on sensing demand signals, shaping demand and responding taking into account the financial implications that drive revenue growth. As companies transition from demand-driven to market-driven the focus in the organization shifts from vertical excellence to strong market-to-market horizontal processes.\xa0