Diabetes and the Kidney\xa0provides endocrinologists and nephrologists of all levels with expert clinical\xa0diagnosis and management guidance for this extremely common\xa0diabetic complication. Practical and\xa0accessible, chapters contain\xa0text features such as case histories, potential pitfall boxes, key points, management algorithms, and useful weblinks to\xa0fully engage the reader and provide expert guidance to help clinicians best manage their\xa0patients.\xa0 In addition, all relevant\xa0international society guidelines and recommendations are fully included. After\xa0an initial analysis of the\xa0epidemiology and pathogenesis of kidney complications in diabetes, it quickly moves on to the following core sections:\xa0 \xa0Special Situations, Risk factors and Complications - examining diabetic nephropathy in relation to each other diabetic complication, ie cardiovascular disease\xa0Prevention and Therapy - focusing on the most up to date information regarding prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of kidney disease in diabetes. Expertly edited, and with contributions from an experienced international team, Diabetes and\xa0Kidney Disease will be the perfect tool to consult when managing diabetic patients with associated kidney problems.