Blogging is already a wildly popular online activity and growing at a rapid rate. Writers and commentators interested in jumping into blogging either as a hobby or profession have to learn the ins and outs of many services and sites that they can use to bolster interest in and enliven their blogs. Teach Yourself VISUALLY Complete WordPress provides expanded tips, tricks, and tasks and downloadable content such as WordPress templates to take readers to the next level of blogging with WordPress. Step-by-step instructions cover creating and setting up WordPress blogs, creating written and visual content, customizing sites through use of plug-ins and themes, and moving beyond the basic tools to working directly with the applications and services most used by top bloggers. Clear, step-by-step tasks teach readers to set up a blog with WordPress, work with forums, use RSS, obtain and review analytics, work with tools like Google AdSense, use mobile tools to administer and edit their blogs, implement SEO, and incorporate their WordPress blogs into other services such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and vice versa.