Running Great Workshops t walked away from a training session (or meeting) feeling as if the entire session could have been summarized in 10 minutes? We can help you avoid being the source of such frustration. Regardless of the type of workshop, meeting, or group session youre running, this title provides you with the information you need. \xa0 Topics include: \xa0 Planning: Aligning outcomes and objectives, establishing and agenda and schedule with time and energy levels in mind, managing pre-work for attendees. Getting off to a great start: Connecting with the group, establishing expectations, setting the ground rules, using energizers Facilitating: Setting the pace, managing challenges and objections, troubleshooting (group dynamics, lack of focus, difficult behavior and topics), employing approaches and techniques that suite your situation Following up: Establishing future actions, evaluating the session, ensuring accountability and responsibility, maintaining momentum and building engagement. \xa0 Whether you need to train a group to use Excel, hold a learning-and-development session on persuasion and influence, or chair a weekly team meeting, Running Great Workshops & Meetings For Dummies provides hands-on instruction that you can put to work to achieve results.