Positive Psychology is a rapidly growing branch of psychology focused on ways to enhance human wellbeing, happiness, and longevity. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a well-established organizational development methodology that fosters the same attributes.A\xa0 By drawing together the most up-to-date research from these previously distinct fields, Positive Psychology at Work introduces a powerful new approach to achieving organizational excellence while revealing new perspectives on the challenges of leadership. Keeping technical psychology jargon to a minimum, the author provides organizational leaders and managers of all levels with an understanding of positive psychology theory and practice and shows how its techniques can be applied to their specific workplace settings. The book reveals the most recent research and practice findings on such topics as positivity, flourishing organisations, flow, strengths, positive energy networks, transformational collaboration, psychological capital, and authentic leadership. Chapters address specific workplaces, relationships, leadership and change, engagement and performance, decision-making, communication, and organisational transformation. Brief case studies and a series of helpful practical tips throughout the book illuminate key points and further enhance clarity. Accessible and enlightening, Positive Psychology at Work offers ground-breaking insights into hottest topics in today's rapidly changing business environment.