The Fitzroy Dearborn Book of World Rankings, 4th edition is designed as an international scorecard that compares and ranks more than 190 nations of the world according to their performance in more than 300 key areas.
Front Cover.
Half Title Page.
Title Page.
Copyright Page.
Table of Contents.
Other Frontmatter.
1: Geography & Climate.
2: International Borders.
3: National Coastlines.
4: Total Land Area.
5: Highest Elevation.
6: Wettest Places.
7: Coldest Places.
8: Warmest Places.
9: Vital Statistics.
10: Current Population.
11: Annual Population Growth Rate.
12: Estimated Population in 2000.
13: Teen Pregnancies.
14: Female Life Expectancy.
15: Male Life Expectancy.
16: Birth Rate.
17: Fertility Rate.
18: Infant Mortality Rate.
19: Death Rate.
20: Population Dynamics & the Family.
21: Population Density.
22: Population Density in Agricultural Areas.
23: Average Household Size.
24: Senior Citizens (65 and Over) in the Population.
25: Senior Citizens (65 and Over) in the Population 2000.
26: Percentage of Children in the Population.
27: Rural Population.
28: Marriage Rate.
29: Divorce Rate.
30: Legal Induced Abortions.
31: Illegitimate Births.
32: Users of Contraceptives.
33: Race & Religion.
34: Foreign Population in Western Europe.
35: Indigenous Peoples.
36: Americans Abroad.
37: Christians.
38: Muslims.
39: Jews.
40: Hindus.
41: Catholics.
42: Ethnic Homogeneity Index.
43: Politics & International Relations.
44: Age of Nations.
45: Official Development Assistance Received.
46: Refugees.
47: Foreign Aid Per Capita.
48: Development Assistance.
49: Most Powerful Nations.
50: Corruption.
51: Military Power.
52: Military Manpower Per Capita.
53: Arms Imports.
54: Military Expenditures as Percentage of GNP.
55: Men and Women under Arms.
56: Military Expenditures as Percentage of Education and Health Expenditures Combined.