Provides current information on over 24,000 publishers and distributors in an A-Z arrangement first by publishers, then by distributors.
Publishers Directory entries contain full organization contact information, including corporate e-mails and websites when provided. In addition, most entries feature a wealth of descriptive information (when available), including principal officers with personal e-mails; year founded; annual sales; number of titles per year, including an estimate for current year; total title count; discount policy; percentage of sales breakdown; descriptive text; subjects covered; and detailed returns policy.
Users can see alternate formats offered, including audio, Braille, calendars, CD-ROM, diskette, DVD, large print, microform, online, posters/printers, and video.
Volume 3 continues with three indexes: Subject Index; Geographic Index; and Publishers, Imprints, and Distributors Index.
Features & Benefits
- Alphabetic arrangement of listings - first by publisher, then by distributor.
- Up to 30 pieces of information are provided for each entry listed.
- The Subject Index provides publishers under subject codes from abortion to zoology.
- The Geographic Index is arranged by state then by city with full address information.
- The Publishers, Imprints, and Distributors Index lists in alphabetical sequence, a list of all active publishers and distributors, as well as imprints, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, parent organizations, and former names.
- Also contains inactive and defunct entries which are duly-noted.
What's New
This edition adds over 1000 new or previously unlisted publishers in addition to regular updates.