Today, as never before, healthcare has the ability to enhance the quality and duration of life. At the same time, healthcare has become so costly that it can easily bankrupt governments and impoverish individuals and families.Health services research is a highly multidisciplinary field, including such areas as health administration, health economics, medical sociology, medicine, political science, public health, and public policy. The Encyclopedia of Health Services Research is the first single reference source to capture the diversity and complexity of the field. With more than 400 entries, these two volumes investigate the relationship between the factors of cost, quality, and access to healthcare and their impact upon medical outcomes such as death, disability, disease, discomfort, and dissatisfaction with care. Key Features:
Examines the growing healthcare crisis facing the United States
Encompasses the structure, process, and outcomes of healthcare
Aims to improve the equity, efficiency, effectiveness, and safety of healthcare by influencing and developing public policies
Describes healthcare systems and issues from around the globe
Cover Page.
Half Title.
Editorial Board.
Title Page.
Copyright Page.
List of Entries.
Reader's Guide.
About the Editors.
1: AARP.
2: Abt Associates.
3: Academic Medical Centers.
4: Academy Health.
5: Access, Models of.
6: Access to Healthcare.
7: Acreditation.
8: Activities of Daily Living (ADL).
9: Acute and Chronic Diseases.
10: Aday, Lu Ann.
11: Administrative Costs.
12: Adverse Drug Events.
13: Adverse Selection.
14: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
15: Aiken, Linda H..
16: Allied Health Professionals.
17: Altman, Drew E..
18: Ambulatory Care.
19: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).
20: American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
21: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN).
22: American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations (AAPPO).
23: American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).
24: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI).
25: American Health Care Association (AHCA).
26: American Health Planning Association (AHPA).
27: American Hospital Association (AHA).
28: American Medical Association (AMA).
29: American Nurses Association (ANA).
30: American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
31: American Public Health Association (APHA).
32: American Society of Health Economists (ASHE).
33: America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP).
34: Andersen, Ronald M..
35: Anderson, Odin W..
36: Antitrust Law.
37: Arrow, Kenneth J..
38: Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP).
39: Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
40: Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA).
41: Benchmarking.
42: Berwick, Donald M..
43: Bioterrorism.
44: Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
45: Brook, Robert H..
46: Brookings Institution.
47: Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR).
48: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF).