UXL's Development of the Industrial U.S. Reference Library: Almanac traces the influence of the British Industrial Revolution on America and other nations and discusses such potent forces as advances in transportation and communication, inventions that transformed manufacturing and agriculture, the growth of trade and much more.
Biographies includes entries on various notables, including Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, Jay Gould, Jane Addams and others.
Primary Sources provides excerpts and explications of seminal sources, including legislative acts, accounts of daily life from regular citizens, political cartoons and more. The set includes a separately published comprehensive index.
For table of contents, sample pages or other volume specific information see the entry for the Almanac, Biographies or Primary Sources.
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2006 - Booklist's Twenty Best Bets for Student Researchers
"Written to be accessible to a high school and beginning undergraduate audience, this three-volume set (plus an included cumulative index booklet) provides an historical overview of the economic, political, and social issues arising from US industrial development. One volume, the Almanac, narrates the history of US industrialism, describing transportation and communication systems, early technological innovators, the development of the first factories, the rise of the railroads and the Robber Barons, urbanization, workers and the labor movement, industrialism and the New South, the effects of industrialism on farming and ranching in the West, and reformers of the Progressive Era. Another volume presents 27 biographies of important figures, including industrial capitalists, politicians and social reformers, inventors, and union leaders, as well as one entry on Chinese transcontinental railroad workers. The volume on primary sources presents excerpts from 18 documents, including Alexander Hamilton\'s Report to Congress on the Subject of Manufactures, Eli Whitney\'s cotton gin petition, an account of life among female mill workers, John D. Rockefeller\'s memoirs, Federal antitrust legislation, and Horatio Alger novels.\n"