Carolyn M. Vella - John J. McGonagle
Ms. Vella is the founder of The Helicon Group. In 2003, she was the recipient of the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals' (SCIP) Meritorious Award. This award is given annually to one individual who has made significant and meritorious contributions to the CI profession. It is the highest award SCIP can bestow. \n \nMs. Vella has written numerous articles on business and competitive intelligence topics for publications including Senior Exchange and Mergers & Acquisitions and has been interviewed by Business Digest. She is co-author of eight books on competitive intelligence including BOTTOM LINE COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE, IMPROVED BUSINESS PLANNING USING COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE and THE INTERNET AGE OF COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE. \n \nMs. Vella has served as a member of the National Advisory Panels to VOLUNTEER, The National Center for Citizen Involvement. She is a Specialty Judge with the American Cat Fanciers Association, where she has served as a member of its Board of Directors. She is also a Professional Member of and a former director of the Cat Writers Association, as well as a member of its finance committee, and a member of the Japanese Bobtail Breeders' Society. \n \nShe is listed in numerous professional directories, including Who's Who in Finance and Industry, Who's Who in US Executives, The International Authors And Writers Who's Who, International Leaders In Achievement, International Who's Who of Intellectuals, The International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, The World Who's Who Of Women, International Who's Who Of Professional & Business Women, and Outstanding Young Women Of America.; Mr. McGonagle holds a B.A. from Yale College (Economics Intensive), a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School (With Honors), an LL.M. from the George Washington University (Urban Legal Studies With Highest Honors), and an M.A. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Business and Applied Economics). Mr. McGonagle is the Managing Partner of The Helicon Group, and co-author of eight books on competitive intelligence including A Manager's Guide to Competitive Intelligence, and Protecting Your Firm against Competitive. He is the research editor of the Arthur Andersen European Community Sourcebook.\n\nMr. McGonagle is the author or co-author of numerous business, competitive intelligence, law and economics articles, and has served as an expert witness on competitive intelligence and related topics. He has been an adjunct lecturer at Lehigh University and Allentown College, teaching competitive intelligence (a course he developed) and business policy.\n\nMr. McGonagle is book review editor for SCIP and a regular columnist for the magazine Competitive Intelligence. He was a featured presenter at the SCIP 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004 Annual International Conferences. Mr. McGonagle received the prestigious Fellows Award in 1998 from SCIP. John is also a member of the Professional Advisory Board to the Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management. He has previously served as a member of the group that designed the SCIP Team Excellence Award, the SCIP Board of Directors Committee on Ethics, and was on both the 2000 and 2001 TEA assessment committees.