Once known for being an early settlement for human existence, Nigeria is now becoming better known for being a global oil giant, serving as one of the largest oil producers in the world. What is contemporary life like in this African powerhouse nation? This latest volume in the Understanding Modern Nations series focuses on Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa. Thematic chapters examine topics such as geography, history, politics, economics, literature, music, food, gender, class, religion, etiquette, and more. Each chapter begins with an overview, providing a general background on the topic, and then opens into encyclopedia entries to further explore the topic. An appendix offers Day in the Life
profiles of a typical day in the lives of representative members from Nigerian society. A timeline, a glossary, a holidays chart, a bibliography, tables, and sidebars round out the text. This volume will be useful to high school and undergraduate students but is also accessible to general readers interested in learning about Nigeria.