Winner of an Outstanding Academic Title Award from CHOICE Magazine! Transistors using one electron at a time. Seemingly transparent sunscreens made with titanium dioxide particles that block harmful UV rays. Nanometer-sized specks of gold that change color to red and melt at 750�C instead of 1,064�C. Nanotechnology finds the unique properties of things at the nanometer scale and then puts them to use!
Although nanotechnology is a hot topic with a wide range of fascinating applications, the search for a true introductory popular resource usually comes up cold. Closer to a popular science book than a high-level treatise, Nanotechnology: The Whole Story works from the ground up to provide a detailed yet accessible introduction to one of the world's fastest growing fields.
Dive headlong into nanotechnology! Tackling the eight main disciplines-nanomaterials, nanomechanics, nanoelectronics, nanoscale heat transfer, nanophotonics, nanoscale fluid mechanics, nanobiotechnology, and nanomedicine-this book explains what's different at the nanoscale, and how we exploit those differences to make useful things. You're holding the key to an exciting and rapidly evolving field.