In a time of mounting political segregation that threatens to tear us apart as a unified society, we are becoming increasingly tribal, and the daily narratives have become echo chambers in which we hear our beliefs reinforced and others' beliefs demonized. At the core of tribalism is a need to belong, which makes us deeply connected with some yet deeply divided from others. This causes fear of others, on topics such as race, immigration status, religion, or partisan politics, and we resort to an us versus them
attitude. In the interconnected digital age, these tensions seep into our daily lives and we become secluded with our self-identified tribes. This book explores the human need to belong as the driving force behind the increasing division of our world, the depth of tribalism, the role of social media in exacerbating it, and how to combat it. Includes workplace practices for opening safe, honest dialogue, and confronting tendencies to bond with those who are like us.