Core works of nonfiction--histories, biographies, memoirs, diaries, survivor testimonies, reflections on religion, philosophy, ethics--form two-thirds of the list, joined by literary fiction, poetry, and drama: classics such as Aharon Appelfeld's Badenheim 1939, William Styron's Sophie's Choice, and Yehuda Amichai's Open Closed Open. Also represented are more recent works, such as Joshua Sobol's play Ghetto (1989), Wladyslaw Szpilman's The Pianist (1998), Ian Kershaw's two-volume biography Hitler (completed in 2000), Deborah Lipstadt's History on Trial (2004), William T. Vollmann's Europe Central (2005), and Heather Pringle's The Master Plan: Himmler's Scholars and the Holocaust (2006).