This book features a sweeping view of the decade\'s impact on the United States and Canada. The Gulf War, dot-coms, impeachment, grunge, Y2K. With more than 600 articles about films, books, political leaders, events, fads and technology, this 3-vol. encyclopedia serves as a valuable source of information and keen insights for today\'s students. Scope and coverage: This 3-vol. set serves as a companion piece to the popular "Decades" series. It features important events, movements, people, and trends in popular culture, literature, art, sports, science, technology, economics, and politics in both the US and Canada during 1990-1999. Written with the needs of students, "The Nineties in America" presents clear discussions of its topics. Organization and format: Essays are 1-6 pages long with a concise title followed by a brief description of the person, organization, work, concept, or event. Further headings attribute authorship, a date for the subject, and assign a location. Every essay features an \'Impact\' section, which examines the subject\'s broader importance during the 1990\'s. Overviews often include a section called \'Subsequent Events\' that sums up later developments. Cross-references at the end of each essay direct readers to additional entries in the encyclopedia on related subjects. Every entry offers bibliographical notes and an author byline.Special features: Volume 3 contains 16 appendixes that provide additional information about selected aspects of the decade - major films, Academy Award winners, major Broadway plays and theatrical awards, most-watched television shows, and Emmy Award winners; best-selling U. S. books and major literary awards; Grammy Award winners and notable facts about popular musicians; winners of major sports events; major U.S. Supreme Court decisions and important legislation; a glossary of new words and slang; a detailed time line; an annotated general bibliography; and an annotated list of Web sources on 1990\'s subjects.