American Health includes detailed health care spending data from the federal government's highly respected Consumer Expenditure Survey and the less well known Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. It presents the latest data on health care coverage and the reasons why people do not have health insurance. It has the latest information on the growing girth of the population, in pounds and percentages. It examines teen attitudes toward sex and teen and adult use of contraception. It explores the changing attitudes of Americans toward the role of the federal government in providing health care in the United States. American Health is divided into 14 chapters, each examining a different facet of health care. The topics are Addictions, Aging, Alternative Medicine, Attitudes toward Health Care, Births, Coverage and Cost, Deaths, Disability, Diseases and Conditions, Health Care Visits, Hospital Care, Mental Health, Sexual Attitudes and Behavior, and Weight and Exercise. Each chapter includes tables showing the demographics of health care consumers as well as explanatory text and charts revealing the most important trends.