This volume contains papers presented at SOCO 2013, CISIS 2013 and ICEUTE 2013, held in Salamanca (Spain), September 2013. Soft computing represents a collection or set of computational techniques in machine learning, computer science and some engineering disciplines, which investigate, simulate, and analyze very complex issues and phenomena.\xa0After a through peer-review process, the 8th SOCO 2013 International Program Committee selected 40 papers, an acceptance rate of 41%. A special emphasis was put on the organization of four special sessions, organized related to relevant topics as: Systems, Man, and Cybernetics; Data Mining for Industrial and Environmental Applications; Soft Computing Methods in Bioinformatics; and Soft Computing Methods, Modelling and Simulation in Electrical Engineer.\xa0The aim of the 6th CISIS 2013 conference was to bring together academic and industry-related researchers in the vast communities of Computational Intelligence, Information Security, and Data Mining. The need for intelligent, flexible behavior by large, complex systems, especially in mission-critical domains, is intended to be the catalyst and the aggregation stimulus for the event. The CISIS 2013 International Program Committee selected 23 papers, reflecting an acceptance rate of 39%. For the 4th ICEUTE 2013, the International Program Committee selected 11 papers. Paper selection was rigorous to maintain the high quality of the conference.