Hot Theoretical Topics:Testing Strings at the LHC (I Antoniadis)Entropy Bounds and the Holographic Principle (R Bousso)Quantum Gravity Needs Supersymmetry (S Ferrara and A Marani)Composite Weak Bosons, Leptons and Quarks (H Fritzsch)The Negative β Function: From the Standard Model to Quantum Gravity (G t Hooft)Effective Actions for High Energy Processes in QCD and in Quantum Gravity (L N Lipatov)Infrared Instability in QCD (P Minkowsky)Notes on Strings and Higher Spins (A Sagnotti)Seminars on Specialized Topics:The Mystery of Neutrino Mixings (G Altarelli)The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) Experiment, in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Erice School (S C C Ting)The QGCW Project - Technological Challenges to Study the New World (H Wenninger)Highlights from Laboratories:Start Up and First LHC Results (S Bertolucci)From the Discovery of Top to the Higgs Boson Search at Fermilab (D Denisov)Highlights from ALICE (P Giubellino)Highlights from BNL-RHIC (M J Tannenbaum)Highlights from GRAN SASSO (L Votano)Special Sessions for New Talents:On Combinatorial Expansion of the Conformal Blocks Arising from AGT Conjecture (V A Alba)Decaying Gravitino Dark Matter (N E Bomark)Cosmological Constant and Casimir Effect (P Burda)Higher Spins in D=2+1 (A Campoleoni)Gluons for (Almost) Nothing, Gravitons for Free (J J M Carrasco)CP Violation in Charm: A New Method (G Inguglia)Mechanical Resonances in the Read-Out Chambers of the ALICE TPC (M Mager)First Observation of Positronium Hyperfine Splitting Transition - Particle Physics at a Frequency Frontier (A Miyazaki)New Results on Electron Neutrino Appearance in MINOS (M Orchaniam)Measuring sin22θ13 with the Daya Bay Nuclear Reactors (L Wen).