After writing and speaking about all aspects of education for several years, one day the author decided to begin sharing what he called a "Thought for the Day" through various social media outlets. Most often, these "thoughts" were simply things he had been saying in presentations around the country or snippets from books he had written. He certainly never considered them very profound or even original yet was gratified by the response these daily thoughts received from those who followed them and he realized that many people were just like him in that they were always on the lookout for a short saying that might make them think or might help carry them through their busy day. As a result of the positive feedback he was receiving from many educators, he continued to send out a daily thought about teaching, learning, leadership, or life in general for over two years. It became a fun habitual start to his day and gratifying to see the responses each daily thought elicited from other educators. This book compiles many of these daily thoughts into a collection of 365 daily inspirational messages. Most of the daily thoughts contained herein are variations on the "Thoughts for the Day" the author has shared over the past years. Others are sayings found elsewhere, some of which are hundreds of years old and others found only recently. The goal of this volume is that in some small way, it will provide hope, validation, and inspiration to some of the most inspiring people in the world: hard working education professionals. For educators reading this collection, your career is likely more of a "calling" than a mere job. Serving as a professional educator is so important that we must commit to doing whatever it takes to ensure that every child achieves success every day. It is noble but challenging work. This resource can serve to motivate and inspire educators during times of joy as well as when things get tough, as we know they will at times.