Modern African Conflicts: An Encyclopedia of Civil Wars, Revolutions, and Terrorism
The End of Apartheid in South Africa, Updated Edition
Race Relations in America: Examining the Facts
The Algerian War, Updated Edition
The United Nations: 75 Years of Promoting Peace, Human Rights, and Development
Stabilising the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa: Regional Actors and New Approaches
African American Culture: An Encyclopedia of People, Traditions, and Customs
Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy: World System and World Values Perspectives
Race and Ethnicity in America: From Pre-contact to the Present
The Civil Rights Theatre Movement in New York, 1939-1966: Staging Freedom
Religion and Contemporary Politics: A Global Encyclopedia
African Religions: Beliefs and Practices through History
Countries: Their Wars & Conflicts
A Global History of Anti-Apartheid: 'Forward to Freedom' in South Africa
Modern Genocide: A Documentary and Reference Guide
The Palgrave Handbook of African Colonial and Postcolonial History
Racism and Early Blackface Comic Traditions: From the Old World to the New