A Companion to the United States Constitution and Its Amendments
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies
Opinions Throughout History: War & the Military
The Chinese Cultural Revolution, Updated Edition
Race Relations in America: Examining the Facts
Civil Rights and Equal Protection, Updated Edition
Hate Groups: A Reference Handbook
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Women and Religion: Global Lives in Focus
Intellectual Property, Updated Edition
Syrian Requiem: The Civil War and Its Aftermath
American Civil War: Emancipation and the Mind of Lincoln
Great Sieges in World History: From Ancient Times to the 21st Century
Science in the Ancient World: From Antiquity through the Middle Ages
Defining Documents in American History: The American Economy
A Brief History of the Netherlands
Notable Native American Writers & Writers of the American West
The Reagan Revolution and the Rise of the New Right: A Reference Guide
The Perry Expedition and the Opening of Japan, Updated Edition