Modern Genocide: A Documentary and Reference Guide
Thurgood Marshall: A Life in American History
American Civil War: Interpreting Conflict through Primary Documents
The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society
The Story of the Choctaw Indians: From the Past to the Present
The Civil Rights Theatre Movement in New York, 1939-1966: Staging Freedom
The Jewish Experience of the First World War
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
The Civil Rights Movement: A Reference Guide
Countries: Their Wars & Conflicts
Great Events from History: Human Rights
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada
The Story of the Chippewa Indians: From the Past to the Present
The Outsiders: Refugees in Europe since 1492
Religion and Contemporary Politics: A Global Encyclopedia
Iran Rising: The Survival and Future of the Islamic Republic