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McClelland Barclay (1891-1943) was an American illustrator, whose work was published in notable publications including Liberty magazine and Cosmopolitan. Alongside his work published in magazines and periodicals, he also created recruitment posters, poster art for major film studios including Paramount Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox, and advertisements for companies including General Motors and Texaco. He died after being on a ship that was torpedoed in the Solomon Islands in 1943.


“Liberty.” Illustrated by McClelland Barclay. Liberty, 28 Mar. 1942

“Liberty.” Illustrated by McClelland Barclay. Liberty, 25 Apr. 1942

“Liberty.” Illustrated by McClelland Barclay. Liberty, 2 Dec. 1939

“Farewell to a Good Sailor.” Illustrated by McClelland Barclay. Liberty, 2 Oct. 1943



Walter Elias Disney (1901-1966) was an animator, voice actor, and film producer, who founded one of the best-known film studios and amusement park chains of the 20th century. Beginning as an illustrator and providing voices for his early characters, his studio pioneered and developed many innovations in animation, including synchronised sound and the use of Technicolor. Disney contributed several covers to Liberty magazine, featuring some of his best known characters.


“Liberty.” Illustrated by Walt Disney. Liberty, 2 Mar. 1940

“Liberty.” Illustrated by Walt Disney. Liberty, 14 Mar. 1942

“Liberty.” Illustrated by Walt Disney. Liberty, 19 Oct. 1940

“Liberty.” Illustrated by Walt Disney. Liberty, 9 Apr. 193



Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) led the Indian independence movement against British rule, advocating and employing methods of nonviolent protest that influenced many later figures. He contributed articles to Liberty magazine focusing on a range of issues, including passive resistance, world peace, and religious belief, before his assassination by Hindu nationalist Nathuram Godse (1910-1949) in January 1948.


Gandhi, Mahatma. “The Challenge to World Peace.” Liberty, 2 Sept. 1939

Gandhi, Mahatma. “Passive Resistance and the War.” Illustrated by Stephen Grout. Liberty, 13 Jan. 1940

Gandhi, Mahatma. “What Will Tomorrow’s World Be like?” Illustrated by W. P. Couse. Liberty, 5 Apr. 1941

Gandhi, Mahatma. “Why I Believe in God and Prayer.” Liberty, 19 July



John Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) is best known as the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States. He played an important role in the formation of the FBI, and widely credited with expanding the organization beyond its original remit and launching a number of influential modernisations in investigative and analytical technology. He contributed articles to Liberty magazine on issues of crime, often focusing on the themes of cause and prevention. 


Hoover, J. Edgar. “Crime Control.” Liberty, 30 July 1938

Hoover, J. Edgar. “A New Way with Old Crimes.” Illustrated by Herbert F. Roese. Liberty, 6 Aug. 1938

Hoover, J. Edgar. “No More Dillingers! You Can Prevent It!” Liberty, 13 Aug. 1938

Hoover, J. Edgar. “Every Scout a Future G-Man.” Liberty, 24 Feb. 1940



Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956) was a journalist and cultural critic, who was highly influential on writing styles in America in the early decades of the 20th century. An admirer if Frederic Nietzsche (1844-1900), he was a detractor of religious beliefs, and his diaries suggested views considered racist and anti-Semitic. He wrote articles for Liberty on diverse topics, including the war, to which he openly opposed American entry, war, crime and the concepts of freedom.


Mencken, H. L. “Peace on EarthóWhy We Have Wars.” Liberty, 26 Dec. 1936

Mencken, H. L. “What to Do with Criminals.” Liberty, 28 July 1934

Mencken, H. L. “The Brain Trust.” Illustrated by J. Henry and J. Henry. Liberty, 3 Mar. 1934

Mencken, H. L. “How Free Do We Want to Be?” Liberty, 25 Aug. 1934



Mary Pickford was the professional name of Gladys Louise Smith (1892-1979), an actress and film producer. She was regarded as a pioneer in the film industry, and used her public prominence to advocate a range of social causes, and her acumen as a businesswoman led to her becoming one of the most powerful women in the film industry, which had been dominated by men. After retiring from the film industry, she largely stayed out of the public eye, becoming a recluse until her death in 1979.


Pickford, Mary. “Please May I Bob My Hair?” Liberty, 30 June 1928

Pickford, Mary. “Why I Can Be Happy in Spite of All.” Illustrated by Clara Elsene Peck. Liberty, 26 Aug. 1933

Pickford, Mary. “Why Die?” Liberty, 17 Aug. 1935

Pickford, Mary. “My Heroine.” Liberty, 9 May 1936



Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) was the 32nd President of the United States, leading the country through the Great Depression and World War II. Among his accomplishments in office, he implemented the New Deal, realigned American politics into the Fifth Party System, and winning a record four presidential elections. In his contributions to Liberty magazine, he often laid out his ideas on important issues during his time as Governor of New York, the post he held before his election as President.


Roosevelt, Franklin D., Governor of New York. “Winning the War against Crime.” Liberty, 13 Feb. 1932

Roosevelt, Franklin D. “Making Suckers of Americans.” Liberty, 20 Aug. 1932

Roosevelt, Franklin D. “I Indict the Administration.” Liberty, 25 June 1932

Roosevelt, Franklin D. “Banishing the Dole.” Liberty, 29 Oct. 1932



Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse (1881-1975) was an English author, famous for his comic novels. Living in the US from 1947 until his death, alongside his fiction he played in important role in the development of the Broadway musical after the First World War, and wrote for the Hollywood film studio MGM in the 1930s. He was one of the many notable contributors of short stories to Liberty magazine during his career, an element of the magazine that contributed significantly to its popularity.


Wodehouse, P. G. “Jeeves and the Yuletide Spirit.” Illustrated by Wallace Morgan. Liberty, 24 Dec. 1927

Wodehouse, P G. “Full Moon.” Illustrated by Wallace Morgan. Liberty, November 1, 1947

Wodehouse, P. G. “A Slice of Life.” Illustrated by Wallace Morgan. Liberty, 7 Aug. 1926

Wodehouse, P. G. “The Romance of a Bulb-Squeezer.” Liberty, 12 Mar. 1927



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