About Political Extremism and Radicalism - the digital archive
The Political Extremism & Radicalism collection is a two part series of digital archives containing primary sources concerning unorthodox politics. Part one, titled Far-Right and Left Political Groups in the U.S., Europe, and Australia in the Twentieth Century, looks at a wide range of fringe political thinking from around the world. Part two, titled Far-Right Groups in America, takes a closer look at the radical right specifically in the United States.
Far-Right Groups in America
In these 4 videos, Acquisitions Editor Rachel Holt offers an introduction to the Far-Right Groups in America digital archive, describing who the archive is for and what makes this resource different from any other. The study of political extremism is a rapidly growing area of scholarship possibly in response to the resurgence of radical right movements in several Western democracies, including in the US and across Europe, during the past several decades. Scholars in the fields of international and American history, politics, international relations, and government studies will find this collection an invaluable resource not only for original research but also for the purposes of teaching and learning. Instructors can utilise the materials for developing students’ critical thinking skills on important issues such as immigration, racism, civil and human rights, religious freedom, free speech and more.
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