Gale Accelerate provides HKU students and faculty with a wide range of world-class digital archives from Gale, enabling you to make more eye-opening discoveries, generate more original research, conduct state-of-the-art analyses on rich and unique content.

The content can be searched and accessed via the standard cross-search interface Gale Primary Sources, or its underlying text data can be analyzed and mined using the Gale Digital Scholar Lab interface.


Why Primary Sources?

Wondering why you should even care? View a short video that explains the value of primary sources in less than 2 minutes!


  • SEARCH HKU's Gale Primary Sources via the Cross-search Platform

  • ANALYZE HKU's Gale Primary Sources using the Gale Digital Scholar Lab

* Note: Chatham House Online Archive is not available in either cross-search or the digital scholar lab.

Browse by Category

Click on one of the below category to display a list of archives
  • Newspapers and Periodicals

    British Library Newspapers ( aboutaccess )

    Daily Mail Historical Archive ( aboutaccess )

    The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2015 ( aboutaccess )

    Financial Times Historical Archive 1888-2010 ( aboutaccess )

    The Illustrated London News Historical Archive 1842-2003 ( about access )

    International Herald Tribune Historical Archive 1887-2013 ( aboutaccess )

    The Listener Historical Archive 1929-1991 ( aboutaccess )

    Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals ( aboutaccess )

    Punch Historical Archive 1841-1992 ( aboutaccess )

    Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection ( aboutaccess )

    The Sunday Times Historical Archive 1822-2016 ( aboutaccess )

    The Telegraph Historical Archive 1855-2016 ( aboutaccess )

    The Times Digital Archive 1785-2019 ( aboutaccess )

    The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902-2019 ( aboutaccess )


Product training sessions give your users at all levels the opportunity to learn how to get the most from the Gale Primary Sources platform for their learning and research. We give users, whether a few individuals or a few hundred, a tour of the core features and functionality of the Gale Primary Sources platform. Contact us at any time to arrange a session.



Gale Digital Scholar Lab access is an integral part of Gale Accelerate. As the world’s leading integrated text and data mining solution, the Lab provides significant value to Gale Accelerate customers. A powerful analysis platform that overcomes many of the technical barriers to entry into digital humanities (DH), Gale Digital Scholar Lab enables the integration of DH techniques into every classroom, promoting a deeper relationship with archives and a new lens through which to explore them.

  • About Gale and Digital Humanities

    For existing DH researchers, Gale Digital Scholar Lab dramatically reduces the time needed to collect, curate, and clean large content sets, freeing up time to write algorithms and analyse data.

    For libraries, as well as supporting the rapidly increasing need to support DH and digital literacy, Gale Digital Scholar Lab can promote new uses of institutional repositories and archives through its ‘content upload’ feature, which allows the ingest of external data that can then be run through the Lab’s analysis pipeline.

    Universities all over the world are reaping the benefits of embedding Gale Digital Scholar Lab throughout their humanities and social sciences departments. By using the Lab to promote and expand digital literacy and critical thinking, libraries and faculty are meeting institutional objectives to develop these skills in their student community.

    Visit Gale’s Digital Humanities Hub to read more about our work with DH and see case studies of how institutions have used this exciting new tool. As part of Gale Accelerate, you are entitled to support, training and curriculum collaboration to help you get the most out of the Lab, and crucially, to use it to get maximum value from your Gale archives.

    For all information about how you can start to incorporate Gale Digital Scholar Lab into your research and teaching, contact Head of Digital Scholarship, Chris Houghton.


Archives Explored shows Gale Primary Sources in action. It provides sample curations and long-form studies to demonstrate how the content can be applied to topics, contextual essays to help researchers understand archives and topics they can be applied to, and case studies detailing how they have been used and integrated into various institutions.




Contact Alfred Ng for Support on Gale Accelerate