Part I: The Tudors, Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 1509-1603: State Papers Domestic
Adams, Simon (University of Strathclyde) | The Tudor State Papers in The Yelverton, Cotton and Harleian Manuscript Collections
Alford, Stephen (University of Cambridge) | The Collection of the Cecil Papers, Hatfield House Library, Hertfordshire
Alford, Stephen (University of Cambridge) | Introduction to State Papers Online and the Sixteenth Century State Papers, 1509–1603
Alford, Stephen (University of Cambridge) | Politicians and Statesmen II: William Cecil, Lord Burghley (1520-98)
Bevan, Amanda (The National Archives) | State Papers of Henry VIII: the Archives and the Documents
Clark, Matthew J. (University of Cambridge) | Tudor Society
Cooper, John (University of York) | The Tudor Monarchy
Grummitt, David (History of Parliament Trust) | Politicians and Statesmen I: Thomas Wolsey (1470/1-1530). Wolsey and the State Papers: War, Diplomacy, Government and Politics in Early Tudor England
Knighton, C.S. (The National Archives) | The Calendars and their Editors, 1856-2006
Rex, Richard (University of Cambridge) | Henry VIII and the Break with Rome
Younger, Neil (University of Birmingham) | The Tudor State

Part II: The Tudors: Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 1509-1603: State Papers Foreign: Ireland, Scotland, Borders and Registers of the Privy Council
Adams, Simon (University of Strathclyde) | Tudor England’s Relations with France
Adams, Simon (University of Strathclyde) | Tudor England’s Relations with Spain, The Holy Roman Empire and The Low Countries
Alford, Stephen (University of Cambridge) | Introduction to State Papers Online and the Sixteenth Century State Papers, 1509–1603
Crankshaw, David J. (King’s College London) | The Tudor Privy Council, c. 1540–1603
Mears, Natalie (University of Durham) | Mary, Queen of Scots
Rapple, Rory (University of Notre Dame) | An Overview of Tudor Ireland
Sowerby, Tracy (University of Oxford) | The Role of the Ambassador and the use of Ciphers
Woodhead, Christine (University of Durham) | England, the Ottomans and the Barbary Coast in the Late Sixteenth Century

Part III: The Stuarts: James I to Anne, 1603-1714: State Papers Domestic
Keay, Anna (English Heritage) | Seventeenth-Century Monarchy
Marshall, Alan (Bath Spa University) | The Secretaries' Office and the Public Records
Marshall, Alan (Bath Spa University) | Stuart Government, 1660-1714
Miller, John (Queen Mary, University of London) | Order and Disorder in the Seventeenth-Century
Miller, John (Queen Mary, University of London) | Religion 1640-1714
Peacey, Jason (University College, London) | News, Politics and People, 1603-1714
Questier, Michael (Queen Mary, University of London) | Religion in the State Papers, 1603-1640
Roberts, Stephen K. (History of Parliament Trust) | The Government and its Records, 1640-1660
Thrush, Andrew (History of Parliament Trust) | The Government and its Records, 1603–1640

Part IV: The Stuarts: James to Anne, 1603-1714: State Papers Foreign: Ireland, Scotland and Registers of Privy Council
Cogswell, Thomas (University of California, Riverside) | State Papers Foreign, 1603-1640
McGrath, Charles Ivar (University College Dublin) | Ireland and the State Papers, 1603–1714
Murdoch, Steven (University of St. Andrews) | Seventeenth-Century Scandinavia: the Evidence in the State Papers
Onnekink, David (University of Utrecht) | The Dutch Republic
Stewart, Laura A.M. (Birkbeck College, University of London) | Scotland and the 'British Problem', 1603–1714
Storrs, Christopher (University of Dundee) | The "Decline" of Spain in the Seventeenth Century