The Sentiment Analysis tool in Gale Digital Scholar Lab enables users to visualise the average sentiment score of each document in a Content Set, facilitating comparison and investigation.  

Sentiment Analysis compares words contained in a document or documents with a predefined lexicon - a list of human-labelled words with a corresponding sentiment score of 5 (very positive) to -5 (very negative).  

Users can plot Sentiment scores of their documents over time to track changes in sentiment within a Content Set, and drill into individual documents to investigate the changes in sentiment throughout the work.   

Find more information on how to use and interpret Sentiment Analysis.




Roberto Calvi's trial: Suicide or Murder?  | Aryan Shah, Livia Ngo, Kody Chantavong and Megan Skrobut (University of Washington)   

Tracking Archaeology in The Illustrated London News

The Rise of Electricity in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

From Babble to Burden: Unravelling Linguistic Threads in Historical Infanticide Trials (1750-1900) | Lilian Jaber (University of Leeds)

Public Sentiment about Women's Rights Movements | Tianjia Dong, Ruoxi Feng, and Daniel Johnson

Vice and Body: A DH Analysis of the Contagious Diseases Act | Catherine Nichols, Katrina Partlow, and Megan VanGorder


Any views and opinions expressed in these essays are those of the author in question, and any views or opinions from the original source material are those of the publication in question. Gale, part of Cengage Group, provides facsimile reproductions of original sources and do not endorse or dispute the content contained in them. Author affiliation and information within them are correct as of the original publication date.