Article 'Kyiv Museums during Soviet Rule'; inventories of paintings from the art museum selected for shipment to Berlin; inventory of Lavra icons transferred to the Kiev museum of East-European art; correspondence about the transfer of paintings from the Vorontsov Palace to Berlin. 1942-1943. MS Cultural Policies and Plunder of the Third Reich in Occupied Europe: Files of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Kiev, Ukraine, 1941-1944: Part 1: Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg fur die besetzten Ostgebiete (Reichsleiter Rosenberg’s Operational Staff for the Eastern Occupied Territories) 7/49. Central State Archive of the Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, Kiev. Archives Unbound,

ウクライナ政府・行政最高機関中央国立文書館所蔵 ローゼンベルク特捜隊文書集に見るナチスの文化政策と略奪 1941-1944年

ウクライナ政府・行政最高機関中央国立文書館所蔵 ローゼンベルク特捜隊文書集に見るナチスの文化政策と略奪 1941-1944年