Communicate Effectively by Targeting
With Gale Analytics: Patron Export, public libraries can create and organize household address or email address lists (if cardholders have given this information) based on demographic and lifestyle criteria. This allows libraries to target marketing communications toward patrons’ specific interests.
Conduct direct mail campaigns with ease, or use this information to map collaborations with schools and businesses in key areas.
For a more interactive experience, see the Gale Analytics: Dashboard, which allows you to drill down into rich visuals, move maps, and download custom mailing lists.
How it works:
First, run the analysis to customize your targets based on Experian's Mosaic consumer segments, household income ranges, presence of children, technology use, and other demographic insight. Next, upload the analysis file to export your outreach list of household addresses for mailings or emails.
Look Inside
Platform Features & Tools
Mosaic Lifestyle Segmentation
Understand patrons using household-based segmentation from Experian, which classifies all U.S. household neighborhoods into 71 unique profiles called Mosaic segments.
On Demand Reporting
Customize your dashboard by modifying the service area, selecting cities and counties, or uploading a GIS spatial file. You can export dashboard visuals as PDF, PowerPoint, or PNG files.
Interactive Dashboard
Leveraging the Patron Profiles and Marketing Action (Patron and Non-Patrons) Apps, the interactive dashboard transforms your data into visuals you can manipulate.