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Click on the tabs below to guide your initial search. Use filters to expand or scale down the results for each category.
Moving Up Without Losing Your Way: The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility
Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
The Purpose of the Business School: Alternative Views and Implications for the Future
Geek Heroines: An Encyclopedia of Female Heroes in Popular Culture
Psychiatry of Pandemics: A Mental Health Response to Infection Outbreak
The Global Bourgeoisie: The Rise of the Middle Classes in the Age of Empire
The Unwritten Rules of Managing Up
Project-Based Learning in Science: Exploring Design Investigations Through Science Research Projects
Cyber Security: Threats and Responses for Government and Business
Critical Insights: James McBride
Mythology Marvels: Greek Mythology
Mythology Marvels: Roman Mythology
Mythology Marvels: American Indian Mythology
Let's Find Out! Computer Science: What Are Computer Networks and the Internet?
Mythology Marvels: Egyptian Mythology