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Our academic partnerships team works directly with scholars, researchers, and administrators in universities worldwide. We welcome inquiries and collaboration opportunities from across the academic community.
History in a whole new light. Since its inception in 2009 the Archives Unbound program has published more than 230 titles. The roots of the program are in microfilm, and the collection makes available targeted collections of interest to scholars engaged in serious research.
We are committed to responsibly and ethically using AI in learning and research. Learn more.
Gale provides useful resources related to Shakespeare literary criticism. Click to explore our collections.
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Follow the rise of the modern conservation movement through unique primary source documents in Gale’s new Environmental History series.
Gale provides useful resources for researching and teaching about the American Civil War. Explore primary and secondary sources, databases, & more.
History in a whole new light. Since its inception in 2009 the Archives Unbound program has published more than 230 titles. The roots of the program are in microfilm, and the collection makes available targeted collections of interest to scholars engaged in serious research.
History in a whole new light. Since its inception in 2009 the Archives Unbound program has published more than 230 titles. The roots of the program are in microfilm, and the collection makes available targeted collections of interest to scholars engaged in serious research.
It’s important that today’s researchers access complete, credible, and up-to-date content. From student favorites like Gale’s In Context suite to our flagship InfoTrac databases, we offer dozens of powerful research platforms to put vetted sources right at your users’ fingertips.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to law. Explore databases, primary & secondary sources, and other publications.
Gale offers an introduction to themes, symbols & character analysis in Hamlet. Click to read our analysis of literary devices, allusions and more.
Gale provides useful resources for Middle Eastern studies research and education. Click to explore primary source collections, databases, & eBooks.
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