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Gale provides useful resources for topics related to international relations. Explore journals, databases, & other publications.
The Gale Access Program empowers users with unique content from academic research databases. Gain access to journals, reports, periodicals, and more.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to political science and government. Explore journals, periodicals, & other publications.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to military history. Explore articles, journals, databases, & other publications.
As California implements the statewide graduation requirement for ethnic studies, addressing any gaps in your existing curriculum is crucial. Get help planning an ethnic studies curriculum that meets state standards and gives your students a full picture of themselves, their peers, and others in the world around them.
Create a culture of growth on your campus by opening previously unexplored research pathways and helping students learn new skills.
Access the National Geographic magazine collection in Gale's virtual library database with the ability to read every page of every issue.
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Visit us at booth 300 to explore Asian studies digital collections from Gale that shed light on a multitude of perspectives through 350 years of history.
Visit us at booth 708 to explore Gale collections that shed light on a multitude of perspectives throughout history, including a preview of the highly anticipated Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Part III.
Gale offers an introduction to themes, symbols & character analysis in Hamlet. Click to read our analysis of literary devices, allusions and more.
Gale Literature Resource Center supports the study of classic LGBT literature and modern LGBT authors. Click to read more.Gale Literature Resource Center supports the study of classic literature by women authors as well as work by contemporary women authors. Click to read more.