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Gale provides useful resources for topics related to multicultural & regional studies. Explore journals, collections, databases & other publications.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to art and music. Explore eBooks, journals, databases, & other publications.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to language and linguistics. Explore journals, databases, collections, & other publications.
Gale provides useful resources for 18th century history research and education. Click to explore primary source collections, journals, and other publications.
Gale provides useful resources related to Judaism studies & research. Click to explore databases, eBooks, & other publications.
Gale provides useful resources for researching and teaching about pop culture. Explore journals, collections, & other publications.
Gale provides useful resources for African Studies research and education. Click to explore primary source collections and eBooks.
Bring researchers, students, and faculty high-quality eBooks on an award-winning platform that they can access anytime, anywhere, and on any device. From companion eBooks for your Gale Primary Sources collections to titles that support equity, diversity, and inclusion, browse curated title lists available on Gale eBooks.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to British history. Explore primary sources, journals, & other publications.
Set students and teachers up for success with cross-curricular digital resources that can be used in the classroom for more inclusive, engaging instruction.
Discover the key to alleviating everyday stressors, enhancing school culture, and accommodating a range of learning styles. Click to learn more.
Access the educational resources you need and provide students with the high-quality, personalized education they deserve.
Discover an effective way to prevent teachers from feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day pressures of lesson planning and searching for curriculum-aligned content.
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