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Compiled Historical Data on the Nanjing Massacre 69, 70: Documents from Yale University
Compiled Historical Data on the Nanjing Massacre 77, 78: Western Documents
Voices of the African American Experience
Booktalking Authentic Multicultural Literature: Fiction, History, and Memoirs for Teens
Voices of the U.S. Latino Experience
Masterplots II: African American Literature
Compiled Historical Data on the Nanjing Massacre 48-55: Names of Victims
Social Issues Essential Primary Sources Collection: Family in Society: Essential Primary Sources
Compiled Historical Data on the Nanjing Massacre 42-47 : Civilian Property Damages
Compiled Historical Data on the Nanjing Massacre 37, 38, 39: Survivors' Oral Histories
Compiled Historical Data on the Nanjing Massacre 35, 36: Records of Nanjing Provisional City Council