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Gale provides educators in Canada with curriculum-aligned student databases, professional development resources, and more. Click to explore.
It’s important that today’s researchers access complete, credible, and up-to-date content. From student favorites like Gale’s In Context suite to our flagship InfoTrac databases, we offer dozens of powerful research platforms to put vetted sources right at your users’ fingertips.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to philosophy. Explore primary sources, collections, databases & other publications.
The ACLU’s role in Brown v. Board of Education During Black History Month, we remember monumental events that have profoundly changed the United States and impacted the lives of many Americans. One key event in American history is the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954. In this Supreme Court case, public schools were ordered desegregated in a unanimous verdict. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) played an important role in Brown v. Board of Education, ensuring that “separate but equal” would no longer apply to educational facilities. Though public education was not fully desegregated by the decision, it began a series of legal victories for the burgeoning civil rights movement and defined constitutional support for racial equality.
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Florida Schools currently partners with Gale to deliver standards-aligned content for elementary, middle, and high school students with Gale In Context resources, including digital content curated to support social studies curricula.
Teachers' digital literacy skills have an impact on student success. Click to read how online databases can play a role in teacher effectiveness.
Download this example assignment and request a free trial of Gale Business: Insights to guide your students through a business risk analysis using real-world data.
The Gale Archives of Sexuality and Gender contain resources for research about the history of gay, trans, and other LGBT alliances. Click to learn more.
The Gale Archives of Sexuality and Gender contain resources for research about the history of gay, trans, and other LGBT alliances. Click to learn more.
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Gale provides useful resources related to physical geography studies and research. Click to explore journals and other resources.
Through a non-exclusive partnership opportunity, you can add your trusted content to our acclaimed electronic resources. Doing so will make your content available to students and researchers around the world.
s an advocate for the LGBTQ community, Gale, a Cengage Company, supports the efforts of libraries and encourages more people to have conversations like this one. If you would like to share a story that is unique to your library, or learn about LGBTQ advocacy, we want to hear from you.
Looking to get access to Gale's Primary Source Collections for your research or instruction? Fill out the form below to let your library know you want to recommend the collection for acquisition.