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Access the educational resources you need and provide students with the high-quality, personalized education they deserve.
Data-driven decisions can improve public library outreach and outcomes. Click to explore the Gale Analytics dashboards.
Gale provides useful resources for home improvement. Click to explore eBooks and other publications.
Starting in the late nineteenth century, forces in social and political spheres across the globe struggled to balance the good of the public and the planet against the economic exploitation of resources. Explore the rise of the modern conservation movement against the impacts of colonialism, land use and exploitation, exploration, agriculture, pollution, and more into the late twentieth century in Gale’s Environmental History series.
Gale's Professional Development Collection includes eBooks from Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc. Click to explore teacher development resources.
Gale's Professional Development Collection includes eBooks from the experts at ASCD. Click to explore teacher development resources.
Authoritative content that stands apart and defies tradition with modern aesthetics and contemporary presentation
Gale's Professional Development Collection includes eBooks from the experts at NSTA. Click to explore teacher education resources.
Gale's Professional Development Collection includes eBooks from the experts at ASCD. Click to explore teacher development resources.
History in a whole new light. Since its inception in 2009 the Archives Unbound program has published more than 230 titles. The roots of the program are in microfilm, and the collection makes available targeted collections of interest to scholars engaged in serious research.
Gale provides useful resources for chemistry research and education. Click to explore journals, databases, and other publications.
All libraries are good, some are great. We’re looking for role-model libraries to vie for the honor of being the 2017 Library Journal/Gale Library of the Year. The $10,000 prize celebrates the library that most profoundly demonstrates: service to the community; creativity and innovation in developing specific community programs or a dramatic increase in library usage; and leadership in creating programs that can be emulated by other libraries.
Visit Gale at booth 816 at the American Association of Law Libraries annual conference (AALL) to see how the rare and extensive collections in The Making of Modern Law series are made more accessible with powerful tools like Gale Digital Scholar Lab.
Gain access to the full report and explore how Times Digital Archive has shaped scholarly work across a multitude of disciplines.
Gale provides a bursary for this course, based in the Humanities Division at the University of Oxford with some of the teaching provided by the Bodleian Libraries. Our goal is to support teaching and learning - and for Gale to learn from the students and their emerging research interests.
Libraries like yours are helping to provide adults in the community with education opportunities and resources for lifelong learning. Click to read more.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to sociology. Explore databases, eBooks, & other publications.
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